Michael Emmanuel
3 min readAug 28, 2023


Written by Michael Emmanuel

Our lives matters

I’m black just to be clear…

It is important to clarify that I am a person of color. Drawing attention to the issue of Black Lives Matter signifies a disturbing shift in our society, and unfortunately, this change isn’t a positive one.

Over time, numerous individuals have endured the cruelty inflicted by racists: those who perceive themselves as superior due to shallow attributes such as the appearance of their clothing, the length of their hair, or the brightness of their skin.

When discussing this, I am referring to the privilege that some white individuals enjoy, allowing them to act as they please. There's a disturbing notion that only their lives hold value, while ours are expendable. This imbalance is palpable in our society, yet it remains largely unaddressed. A cloud of silence shrouds the issue, and it takes an immense amount of courage to confront it.

So, what steps can we take?

This question plagues me because I'm torn between wanting to fight against these senseless killings and realizing the harsh reality. It reminds me of Sun Tzu's wisdom in "The Art of War" that one must calculate the cost before engaging in a battle and that diplomacy should be sought before resorting to conflict. This dilemma eats at me, for the injustice we face is deeply unfair. We shouldn't have to constantly hide to avoid becoming collateral damage.

The pain of witnessing the fear within our community, particularly among children who are terrified by the uncertainty of our world, is overwhelming. They yearn for change while cowering in corners, tears streaking their cheeks. The pain is profound.

Hatred runs rampant in our world, and tragically, it's primarily directed at us. We are the ones who are targeted, who are invisible yet able to transform the atmosphere when we appear in public spaces. The cycle of hatred persists, and lives continue to be lost—our lives.

It's often said that death is an inevitable part of life, affecting everyone equally. However, the reality is that death doesn't approach unless it's invited. And unfortunately, we've been inundated with countless invitations.

But when will this end?

I fear that it might not ever end, given the current state of affairs. The mounting losses within the Black community suggest an unsettling agenda. It's as if there's a sinister desire to erase us from the tapestry of humanity, a quest for a disturbing kind of accomplishment. Yet, even if they achieve that, it will still not be enough.

Observing the ubiquitous phrase "Black Lives Matter," I'm prompted to question whether its significance truly resonates with those who use it. I commend the sentiment, but I wonder if its depth is truly comprehended. Sympathy may exist, but the capacity to empathize seems elusive. It's a stark truth.

Regrettably, I too am plagued by fear, sensing that an impending catastrophe looms like an approaching storm. It feels as though the apocalypse is imminent and that it's aimed squarely at us. Our crime? Merely existing on this Earth. We don't deserve this. Our skin color doesn't define us, nor does it render us enemies.

We embrace our Black identity with pride, just as others embrace their own racial backgrounds. So, what is the root of the problem? There's no reason to perceive us as a threat, for we seek peaceful coexistence in any nation we call home. Safety and love are our simple aspirations.

Furthermore, I want to extend a message to my fellow Black individuals. I understand the struggle of feeling like outsiders, of struggling to fit in. However, let's remember that we're resilient. With time and hope, change will come. Let's contribute what we can and entrust the rest to a higher power—the same force that brought us into being, a force that I doubt would forsake us.